Phereoshop 2.0.2

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Phereoshop 2.0.2

Postby takeru » Sat Dec 28, 2013 1:57 pm


When adjusting brightness, it seems that the change is saved only for the left channel,
similar to the problem by the white balance, reported by one of the previous releases.

By the way, it is appreciated if you can provide a list of changes by this release,
while I understand you are to be so busy for the development.

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Re: Phereoshop 2.0.2

Postby bulkinav » Sat Dec 28, 2013 3:07 pm

When adjusting brightness, it seems that the change is saved only for the left channel,
similar to the problem by the white balance

You mean the settings from the Color Align? In that case this feature. Phereoshop 2.0.2 includes a help file (press F1) which contains a description of the many features of the app, including Color Align.

By the way, it is appreciated if you can provide a list of changes by this release

2.0.2 - it's a minor release that contains fixes for various problems.
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color retouch problem by Phereoshop 2.0.2

Postby takeru » Fri Jan 03, 2014 6:14 am

Dear bulkinav,

Thank you for your reply. However, I am sorry, I do not really understand that it could be a "function".

I assume that both the left and right channel images are to be manipulated when the "balanced" option is active.
However, changes were saved only by the left channel, not by the right channel.

I reviewed the associated Help page, but it looked as if my understanding was correct.


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Another color retouching problem by Phereoshop 2.0.2

Postby takeru » Sat Jan 04, 2014 9:41 am

Here is another problem - by UI, though not so critical as the previously reported one.

Wanting to adjust colour for multiple images, I enter into "Edit", select several images, and go to "Color".
I pick up one of the selected images, adjust color levels, and finalize by the [Apply] button.

What I expect is, of course, stay in the color retouching mode to move on to another image, but I get out of the color retouching mode, and back to the tool choice phase.

This current implementation is not really efficient, I am afraid, and as far as I remember, it was not the case by the previous release.

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Re: Phereoshop 2.0.2

Postby takeru » Wed Jan 29, 2014 8:44 am

I am a little bit disappointed this most serious problem for me has still remained alive by the new 2.0.3...

I will send aa PSR archive by mail as its size was rejected to be attached.

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Re: Phereoshop 2.0.2

Postby bulkinav » Wed Jan 29, 2014 8:50 am

takeru wrote:I am a little bit disappointed this most serious problem for me has still remained alive by the new 2.0.3...

I will send aa PSR archive by mail as its size was rejected to be attached.

Please note that currently we are releasing only minor builds that do not include any significant changes (only bug fixes).
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