We have released a new version of Phereshop!
What's new in version 1.4?
New features:
- Added export wizard (to JPS, PNS, JPG, PNG, BMP and TIFF format)
- Added search by images
- Added H-split, V-split, blend modes during image edit
- ImageViewer perfomance improved (and now ImageViewer doesn't require the latest version of DirectX)
- Improved import wizard
- JPG quality is now properly initialized
- Image name is now properly refreshed when user picks another from the thumbnails
- Images are now properly moved from the search results to another album
- Improved zoom functionality (now it correctly zooms image at the cursor point)
- Now possible to zoom album thumbnails uses a "Ctrl" key pressed + mouse scroll
- Added hint for "Tags" field
Changes / Fixed:
- Removed selection frame from controls
- Some changes for the image selection and scaling in the album view
- Album creation page style now has a same look as all other Phereoshop pages
- Removed shadow for a single and some mulutiple images cases
- Changed position of Left/Right/Side-by-Side and etc.
- Changed controls position and UI text
- Fixed photos counter (near the album icon)
- Fixed prefix hint
- Fixed "Back" button behavior in the import wizard
- Fixed application resize behavior in the import wizard
and more...
You can download Phereshop here: http://phereo.com/p/phereoshop/