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Hidden uploads
Mon Jan 27, 2014 9:18 pm
by 525da2a2df7df3af12000006
Hi! I am new here and have just tried to upload some parallel images, at first .jpg, but also jps. The result is the same: Only I can see my pictures on my smartphone (if I have signed in). I have chosen the option "Public". It seems that all my pictures are registered as JPEG when I right click and choose picture information, whenever they are .jpg or .jps. Can somebody please help me?
Re: Hidden uploads
Wed Jan 29, 2014 8:14 am
by bulkinav
Please don't worry! All of the pictures are moderated which causes a delay in displaying them.
Re: Hidden uploads
Wed Jan 29, 2014 7:25 pm
by 525da2a2df7df3af12000006
Thanks for the answer. The first picture I uploaded 3 days ago, and I already got some likes. That means that somebody can see my pictures. How do they appear to you? Can you find them in "Latest uploads" or by searching tags? I can't. But in my profile they are all there. So I think maybe the reason is that you cannot watch your own pictures as an anonymous?
Re: Hidden uploads
Thu Jan 30, 2014 7:50 am
by bulkinav
Yes, you right. Unverified images are not visible only in the "Latest Uploads" section and by search function.