upload queuing

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upload queuing

Postby takeru » Fri Apr 05, 2013 2:48 am

(This is a repost of a request made by mail)

Currently, uploading image to Phereo.com is implemented in a modal, foreground operation.
This is sometimes problematic, especially :

* organizing images into multiple albums, and want to upload them

It is extremely problematic when :

* Internet connection is slow, instable, or metered.
* You need to take out your mobile PC out of the home on the way of uploading.
* You get a need for another network resource demanding application during uploading.
* Want to work for other images by Phereoshop and your time is limited (yes, always limited)

Therefore, I would like to have an implementation :

* by queuing, allowing us to put uploading requests of multiple albums
* working background, allow us keep working by Phereoshop during uploading
* availability of pausing upload, and capability of resuming even after an application exit.
* availability of automatic retries, against failures due to instable connections.

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